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plywood – coatings – fittings

birch (betula)

The most popular type of wood for our plywood is birch.

number of species: 50 species of birch
coverage: Europe, Asia, North America
fruits: small, brown-yellow, flat winged Nuts
height: 20-30 meters
age: about 50 years
properties of bark: white, cracked
properties of wood: fine, tough, pretty flexible and elastic
habitat: everywhere because undemanding
leaves: alternate arrangement permanent, slightly triangular shaped leaves

Through their strong wood they are particularly well suited for our plywood. Since it is an unpretentious tree, you can plant and find them everywhere.
The most famous birch is the white birch. Their white bark that becomes more cracked with age is striking. Their genus includes more than 50 different types.
The Birk is related with alder, hornbeam and hazel (Fam. Birch Family) and produces combined male and female flowers on a plant in kittens.

Like many other forest tree species the birch is wind pollinated. The birch grown for our plywood panels are primarily from Scandinavia and Siberia. Striking is the smooth – by included betulin – white-colored bark that becomes cracked with age. In Germany there are four species from which the shrub-like and 70 cm high dwarf birch and the up to 2m high shrub birch are rare relics of the Ice Age, who held only a few raised bogs in northern Germany and (some more) in the Alpine foothills.

The weeping or silver birch and the downy birch grow more tree-like, they can be found in large parts of Europe and Asia. While the weeping birch advances more to southern Europe (like Italy or Balkans) the downy birch, which is used for plywood, defies the cold climate in Iceland, the northernmost Scandinavia and Siberia.

Our wood comes mainly from Scandinavia and Siberia and is grown especially for this purpose, so it is ensured that the species will be preserved.
